Apply for a plot at Halewick

Application to join waiting list at Halewick Lane Allotments

Please Note:

1) We have 27 registered plots on our site and the site has proved to be a very popular. We currently have more than 40 people on the waiting list as of 01/03/2024, the expected wait for a vacant plot could be up to 10 years if you join the waiting list now.

2) You must be a resident of either Adur or Worthing Councils to apply for an allotment at this site, please fill your details to be included on the list

3) By submitting this form you are consenting to Halewick Allotment Horticultural Association (HAHA) holding your personal information for the period of the application to comply with our Data Protection Policy (copy available on request) and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations 201